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auraphoto 350x223 - Aura Photography The known history of auras began as far back as the first tribal shaman who saw spirit lights around his tribesmen. More familiar examples are the Christian mystics of the Middle Ages who described the aura as a halo or spiritual radiance. What was once the purview of monks and mystics in now recognized and defined by science. Modern researchers measure the aura as an electromagnetic field which surrounds all living creatures. In the past, aura colors were only seen by a gifted few. Today, modern technology enables everyone to see their own aura, permitting deeper personal insight into emotional states, health and spiritual well-being. This is done with Aura Photography and our photographers are ready to take a photo of your aura and interpret its meaning to the guests at any party, promotion or gathering.

Some of our theme parties have included:

The Casino Night, Murder Mystery Dinner, Hallelujah Hollywood, Winter Wonderland, Carnival, 1950's, Groovy 60's Party, and many more!

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