
Entertainment Categories

Legal Terms

Welcome to www.The Entertainment, the website for The Entertainment Contractor. This website (“Site”) is owned and operated by The Entertainment Contractor. The Entertainment Contractor maintains the Site as a service to individuals and businesses that access the Site (the “Visitor”), regardless of whether or not the Visitor has a business relationship with The Entertainment Contractor, subject to terms and conditions set forth on this page (“Terms and Conditions”). By accessing and/or using the Site, the Visitor accepts the Terms of Use. If the Visitor does not agree with the Terms and Conditions, the Visitor may not use the Site or any information contained therein.

Use of Site

The Visitor of the Site may view, download, and print all contents subject to the following conditions:

* The content may be used solely for informational purposes consistent with federal and state copyright and trademark laws;
* The content may not be modified or altered in any way, and
* The Visitor may not allow the content to be used for commercial gain without the express written consent of The Entertainment Contractor
* The Visitor may also be granted rights to republish and distribute specific The Entertainment Contractor-authored content as noted on that specific content. The Visitor may not republish, distribute, prepare derivative works, or otherwise use the Site content other than as explicitly permitted herein.

Except as provided above, the Visitor may not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or forms) of The Entertainment Contractor without the express written consent of The Entertainment Contractor The Visitor may not use any meta tags or any other “hidden text” utilizing The Entertainment Contractor’s name or trademarks without the express written consent of The Entertainment Contractor The Visitor may not use any The Entertainment Contractor logo or other proprietary graphic or trademark as part of the link without the express written permission of The Entertainment Contractor

The Entertainment Contractor reserves the right to modify content on the Site and these Terms of Use periodically without prior notice.

Privacy Policy

The Site will not collect any personally identifying information about individuals (“Personal Information”) except when specifically and knowingly provided by such individuals. Personal Information provided by individuals will be used only in connection with The Entertainment Contractor business purposes or for such other purposes as are described at the point of collection. While The Entertainment Contractor will seek to require third-party content providers and other parties to adhere to privacy policies of The Entertainment Contractor, The Entertainment Contractor does not bear any responsibility for any actions or policies of such third parties.

Visitor Contributions

The Visitor may submit comments, and provide other content, to this Site so long as the comments or content is not obscene, illegal, threatening, or defamatory and so long as the content does not invade the privacy or infringe the intellectual property of a third party (collectively “Visitor Contributions”). Further, such Visitor Contributions may not contain software viruses, mass mailings, chain letters, or any form of “spam.” The Visitor may not use a false e-mail address, impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise mislead The Entertainment Contractor as to the origin of the Visitor Contributions.

By submitting Visitor Contributions, the Visitor grants The Entertainment Contractor a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable and fully sub-licensable right to reproduce, use, modify, publish, adapt, translate, create derivative works from, distribute and display such content throughout the world in any media unless otherwise restricted by written agreement between Visitor and The Entertainment Contractor. By submitting Visitor Contributions, the Visitor also represents and warrants that the Visitor Contribution is accurate, Visitor owns or has permission to use the content that Visitor submits, and that use of the Visitor Contributions will not cause injury to any person or entity.


The site and all contents herein are provided by The Entertainment Contractor on an “as is” basis, and The Entertainment Contractor expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the service or any materials and products. In no event shall The Entertainment Contractor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever with respect to the service, the materials, and the products.


Copyright Information

The Site and the content within the Site are the property of The Entertainment Contractor and are protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. The compilation, organization, and display of the content, as well as all software and inventions used on and in connection with this Site, are the exclusive property of The Entertainment Contractor The Entertainment Contractor reserves all rights in the Site and its content not specifically granted in any agreements with The Entertainment Contractor or in the Terms and Conditions.

Trademark Information

The Entertainment Contractor’s marks, graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, and scripts on the Site are The Entertainment Contractor’s service marks, trademarks, and trade dress, and are the sole and exclusive property of The Entertainment Contractor The Entertainment Contractor’s service marks, trademarks, and trade dress may not be used in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers, in any manner that disparages or discredits The Entertainment Contractor, or in connection with any service or product that is not sponsored, endorsed, or produced by The Entertainment Contractor

Third Party Content

The Site may provide hyperlinks to third-party websites or access to third-party content. The Entertainment Contractor does not control, endorse, or guarantee content found in such sites, even if such content references The Entertainment Contractor The Visitor agrees that The Entertainment Contractor is not responsible for any content, associated links, resources, or services associated with a third-party site. The Visitor further agrees that The Entertainment Contractor shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any sort associated with Visitor’s use of third-party content. Links and access to these sites are provided for the convenience of the Visitor only.


The Visitor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold The Entertainment Contractor harmless, including its members, employees, attorneys, and agents (“Indemnities”) against all claims, expenses, liabilities, losses, costs, and damages, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, including appeals, that the Indemnities may incur (i) in connection with Visitor’s use of the Site or any hyperlinked website or (ii) resulting from content you supply.

Applicable Laws

All matters relating to Visitor’s access to and use of the Site shall be governed by U.S. federal law and/or the laws of the State of California. Any legal action or proceeding relating to Visitor’s access to or use of the Site shall be instituted in Los Angeles County Superior Court, State of California. If there is a determination that any provisions of the Terms and Conditions are invalid or unenforceable, that determination will not affect the rest of the Terms and Conditions and the Terms and Conditions shall be deemed amended to the minimum extent necessary to make them valid and enforceable.

Some of our theme parties have included:

The Casino Night, Murder Mystery Dinner, Hallelujah Hollywood, Winter Wonderland, Carnival, 1950's, Groovy 60's Party, and many more!

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The Entertainment Contractor
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